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FMC Coragen (Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% w/w): Powerful Insect Control


FMC Coragen is an advanced insecticide that features Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% w/w as its active ingredient. It is designed to provide superior control over a broad spectrum of pests, ensuring the health and productivity of your crops. Known for its unique mode of action, Coragen offers long-lasting protection against pests, particularly in crops like vegetables, fruits, and rice. Its application is safe for both crops and beneficial insects, making it a trusted choice for integrated pest management (IPM).

What is FMC Coragen?

FMC Coragen is a highly effective insecticide formulated with Chlorantraniliprole, a compound that targets the muscle fibers of pests, causing paralysis and death. This insecticide is part of the anthranilic diamide group, which is known for providing extended protection against pests without negatively impacting non-target organisms.

Key Benefits of FMC Coragen

1. Long-Lasting Protection

Coragen offers prolonged protection due to its unique chemistry, controlling pests for an extended period with a single application.

2. Broad-Spectrum Insect Control

It is effective against a variety of insect pests, including:

  • Lepidopteran larvae (caterpillars)

  • Rice stem borers

  • Diamondback moths

  • Fruit borers This wide range of control helps safeguard a variety of crops from pest infestations.

3. Safe for Beneficial Insects

FMC Coragen has a minimal impact on non-target insects like bees and natural predators, making it compatible with integrated pest management (IPM) programs.

4. Effective at Low Doses

The potent formulation of Coragen allows for effective pest control even at lower doses, reducing the environmental impact while maintaining crop safety.

Mode of Action

Chlorantraniliprole, the active ingredient in FMC Coragen, works by activating the ryanodine receptors in insect muscles, disrupting calcium ion flow, which leads to muscle contraction and eventual paralysis. This mode of action is unique and helps reduce the risk of pest resistance, making Coragen an excellent option for long-term pest management strategies.

How to Use FMC Coragen

Application Method

  • Foliar Spray: Coragen is typically applied as a foliar spray, where it is absorbed by the plant and remains active in controlling pests over time.

  • Soil Application: In some cases, Coragen can also be used in soil treatments to protect root systems from soil-borne pests.

Dosage Recommendations

The dosage of Coragen varies depending on the crop and pest being targeted. It is important to follow the label's specific instructions for dosage and application timing for maximum effectiveness. Common dosages range from 30-60 ml per acre depending on crop type and pest severity.

Suitable Crops for FMC Coragen

FMC Coragen is highly effective in a variety of crops, including but not limited to:

  • Rice

  • Cotton

  • Tomatoes

  • Brassicas (Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc.)

  • Grapes

  • Peppers

Why Choose FMC Coragen?

1. Environmental Safety

FMC Coragen is known for its environmentally friendly profile, making it a safer choice for crops and ecosystems.

2. Reduced Resistance Development

The unique mode of action of Chlorantraniliprole helps in managing pest populations and reducing the development of resistance, ensuring long-term effectiveness.

3. Flexibility in Use

Coragen is flexible and can be integrated into various pest control programs, including IPM, due to its selective toxicity and compatibility with other insecticides.


How does FMC Coragen work against pests?
FMC Coragen paralyzes pests by disrupting their muscle activity through the ryanodine receptor, leading to their death.

Is Coragen safe for beneficial insects like bees?
Yes, Coragen is designed to minimize harm to beneficial insects, making it a suitable option for farmers using IPM programs.

Can I use Coragen for vegetable crops?
Absolutely, Coragen is highly effective in controlling pests in vegetables, particularly caterpillars and fruit borers.

How often should I apply Coragen?
The frequency of application depends on the pest pressure and crop type, but Coragen typically provides long-lasting protection after a single application.

Is Coragen effective against all types of caterpillars?
Yes, Coragen provides excellent control over a wide variety of caterpillars and other lepidopteran pests.

What is the recommended dosage for rice crops?
For rice crops, the recommended dosage is typically around 30 ml per acre, but it's best to refer to the product label for exact instructions.


FMC Coragen (Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% w/w) is a reliable and powerful insecticide that provides superior pest control with minimal environmental impact. Its long-lasting action, broad-spectrum efficacy, and safety for beneficial insects make it a top choice for farmers aiming to protect their crops from damaging pests while promoting sustainable farming practices.