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Tata Trot Insecticide: Unleashing the Power of Thiamethoxam for Effective Pest Control


Tata Trot Insecticide, a solution designed to combat pests effectively. This guide unveils the capabilities of Thiamethoxam, emphasizing how Tata Trot ensures precision in pest management for enhanced crop protection.

Tata Trot Insecticide: The Thiamethoxam Advantage

Tata Trot Insecticide is formulated with Thiamethoxam, a neonicotinoid insecticide renowned for its systemic action. Let's explore the features and benefits that make Tata Trot an invaluable asset in the fight against pests:

Understanding Thiamethoxam (30% FS)

Thiamethoxam is a potent insecticide belonging to the neonicotinoid class. In Tata Trot, it is present in a convenient Flowable Concentrate (FS) form, ensuring ease of application and rapid absorption by plants.

Advantages of Tata Trot Insecticide

  1. Systemic Action: Tata Trot exhibits systemic movement within plants, providing comprehensive protection against a broad spectrum of pests, including aphids, thrips, and whiteflies.
  2. Quick Knockdown Effect: Thiamethoxam acts swiftly, delivering a rapid knockdown effect on target pests, preventing damage to crops.
  3. Long-Lasting Residual Activity: Tata Trot leaves a lasting impact, ensuring prolonged protection even after application.
  4. Versatile Application: Suitable for a variety of crops, Tata Trot offers versatility in pest management across different agricultural landscapes.

Applications of Tata Trot Insecticide

Tata Trot is effective against various pests in crops such as:

  • Cotton: Guards against notorious pests like aphids and jassids.
  • Vegetables: Controls thrips and whiteflies in vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers.
  • Cereals: Protects cereal crops such as wheat and barley from aphid infestations.

How to Use Tata Trot Insecticide Effectively

  1. Timing of Application: Apply Tata Trot preventively or at the early stages of pest infestation for optimal control.
  2. Dosage Guidelines: Follow manufacturer recommendations for the correct dosage based on crop type, pest pressure, and growth stage.
  3. Application Method: Tata Trot is typically applied as a foliar spray, ensuring thorough coverage of plant surfaces.


Can Tata Trot be used in organic farming?

Tata Trot Insecticide, being a synthetic chemical, may not align with organic farming principles. Always check and adhere to organic certification standards.

Is there a waiting period before harvest after using Tata Trot?

The waiting period before harvest after using Tata Trot varies depending on the crop and local regulations. Refer to the product label for specific guidelines.

Can Tata Trot be tank-mixed with other insecticides?

Before tank-mixing Tata Trot with other insecticides, conduct a compatibility test and refer to the product label for guidelines. Always follow recommended application rates.

Is Tata Trot harmful to beneficial insects?

While Thiamethoxam can affect some beneficial insects, Tata Trot is designed to have a selective impact on pests. It's essential to consider integrated pest management practices to minimize potential harm to beneficial insects.


Tata Trot Insecticide, fueled by Thiamethoxam, stands tall as a formidable ally in pest control. Its systemic action, quick knockdown effect, and versatile application make Tata Trot a go-to choice for farmers aiming for precise and efficient insect management.