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Bayer WHIP Super (Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9 EC): Overview and Uses


Weeds are a major challenge in crop cultivation, competing with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight, thereby reducing yields. Bayer WHIP Super is a selective post-emergent herbicide containing Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9 EC (9.3% w/w). It provides effective control of grassy weeds in various crops like wheat, rice, and soybean, ensuring better crop growth and productivity.

What is Bayer WHIP Super (Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9 EC)?

Bayer WHIP Super is a herbicide designed to target and eliminate grassy weeds that infest crops. The active ingredient, Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, selectively inhibits the growth of grassy weeds without affecting the crop, allowing the plants to thrive.

Key Benefits of Bayer WHIP Super

1. Effective Control of Grassy Weeds

  • Bayer WHIP Super is highly effective against various grassy weeds, including Phalaris minor, Echinochloa, Setaria, and other species that commonly infest crops like wheat and rice.

2. Selective Action

  • The herbicide specifically targets grassy weeds without harming broadleaf crops, making it ideal for selective weed management in mixed weed populations.

3. Post-Emergent Application

  • It is applied after the weeds have emerged, ensuring that existing infestations are controlled. This post-emergent action makes it easier to manage weeds that have already established in the field.

4. Improved Crop Yield

  • By removing competitive grassy weeds, Bayer WHIP Super helps improve crop growth and yield potential by allowing better access to essential nutrients, water, and sunlight.

How to Use Bayer WHIP Super

Application Method:

  • Foliar Spray: Mix Bayer WHIP Super with water and apply it as a foliar spray to target the weeds directly.


  • The recommended dosage is 400 mL per hectare (or as per the label instructions based on the specific crop and weed infestation).

Optimal Timing:

  • Apply Bayer WHIP Super when the weeds are in the 2-4 leaf stage, which is the best time to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Safety Guidelines

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

  • Use protective clothing, gloves, and masks when handling and applying the herbicide to avoid direct contact with skin or inhalation.

Environmental Precautions:

  • Avoid application near water bodies or in areas where there is a risk of drift to non-target plants.


What weeds does Bayer WHIP Super control?
It controls a wide range of grassy weeds, such as Phalaris minor, Echinochloa, Setaria, and others in crops like wheat, rice, and soybean.

Can Bayer WHIP Super be used with other herbicides?
It is generally compatible with other herbicides, but always perform a small compatibility test before mixing.

When should I apply Bayer WHIP Super?
For optimal results, apply the herbicide when grassy weeds are in their 2-4 leaf stage and actively growing.


Bayer WHIP Super (Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9 EC) is an excellent solution for controlling grassy weeds in crops like wheat, rice, and soybean. With its selective post-emergent action and proven effectiveness, it supports better crop growth and higher yields by minimizing weed competition.