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Bayer Antracol Fungicide: Shielding Crops with Propineb (70% WP)


Bayer Antracol Fungicide. This comprehensive guide reveals the potential of Propineb, the key component in Bayer Antracol, and how it stands as a frontline defender against various fungal threats.

Bayer Antracol Fungicide: Harnessing the Power of Propineb

Bayer Antracol Fungicide is a strategic solution that utilizes the strength of Propineb. Let's delve into the features and advantages that position Bayer Antracol as an indispensable tool for protecting crops:

Understanding Propineb

  1. Propineb (70% WP): A broad-spectrum fungicide, Propineb acts as a protective barrier on plant surfaces, inhibiting fungal growth and preventing the onset of various diseases.

Advantages of Bayer Antracol Fungicide

  1. Wide Range of Fungal Control: Bayer Antracol demonstrates efficacy against a diverse array of fungal diseases, providing comprehensive protection for various crops.

  2. Protective Barrier: The formulation creates a protective shield on plant surfaces, acting as a preventive measure against fungal infections.

  3. Systemic and Contact Action: Bayer Antracol exhibits both systemic and contact actions, ensuring thorough protection and managing existing infections effectively.

Applications of Bayer Antracol Fungicide

Bayer Antracol proves effective in:

  • Vegetables and Fruits: Safeguards fruit-bearing plants and vegetables from diseases, promoting high-quality produce.

  • Cereals and Grains: Protects crops like wheat, oats, and barley against fungal diseases, ensuring robust grain development.

  • Cash Crops: Ensures the health of cash crops like cotton and tobacco, preventing fungal infections that can compromise yield.

How to Use Bayer Antracol Fungicide Effectively

  1. Application Timing: Apply Bayer Antracol preventively during periods conducive to fungal infections or at the first signs of disease for optimal control.

  2. Dosage Guidelines: Adhere to recommended dosage guidelines based on the crop, disease, and severity of infection to ensure effective fungal management.

  3. Application Method: Bayer Antracol can be applied as a foliar spray or through other suitable application methods, ensuring thorough coverage for maximum effectiveness.


Is Bayer Antracol Fungicide rainfast?

Bayer Antracol Fungicide exhibits good rainfastness after application. However, it's advisable to allow sufficient time for the fungicide to dry before significant rainfall.

Can Bayer Antracol be tank-mixed with other fungicides?

Yes, Bayer Antracol is compatible with certain fungicides. However, it's essential to conduct a compatibility test before tank-mixing with other products to avoid any adverse effects.

What is the re-application interval for Bayer Antracol?

The re-application interval varies depending on factors such as the crop, disease pressure, and environmental conditions. Refer to the product label for specific guidelines on re-application intervals.


Bayer Antracol Fungicide, fortified with Propineb, stands as a robust defender against fungal diseases, ensuring the vitality of crops. Integrating Bayer Antracol into your crop protection strategy can lead to resilient and thriving harvests.