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HPM Cultivo (Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65% WG): A Powerful Fungicide for Effective Crop Protection


HPM Cultivo is a potent fungicide formulated with Tebuconazole 10% and Sulphur 65% WG, designed to provide comprehensive protection against a wide array of fungal diseases. This combination leverages the strengths of both active ingredients to ensure effective disease management and healthier crop yields.

Understanding HPM Cultivo

HPM Cultivo offers a unique blend of Tebuconazole and Sulphur, each contributing to the fungicide's overall efficacy. Tebuconazole is known for its systemic action and long-lasting protection, while Sulphur acts as a contact fungicide with additional micronutrient benefits.

Key Ingredients: Tebuconazole 10% and Sulphur 65% WG

  • Tebuconazole: A triazole fungicide, Tebuconazole inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol, a vital component of fungal cell membranes. This results in the disruption of fungal growth and reproduction.

  • Sulphur: Sulphur is a well-known contact fungicide that prevents the spread of fungal spores. It also provides essential micronutrients that support overall plant health.

How HPM Cultivo Works

HPM Cultivo operates through both systemic and contact actions. Tebuconazole is absorbed by the plant and moves through its vascular system, providing internal protection against pathogens. Sulphur, on the other hand, remains on the plant surface, acting as a barrier to fungal infections and contributing to the overall health of the crop.

Benefits of Using HPM Cultivo

HPM Cultivo offers a range of benefits, making it an essential tool for integrated disease management in various crops.

1. Broad-Spectrum Disease Control

HPM Cultivo is effective against a wide variety of fungal diseases, including powdery mildew, rust, leaf spots, and more. Its dual-action formula ensures comprehensive protection across different stages of fungal development.

2. Systemic and Contact Protection

The combination of systemic and contact fungicidal actions provides thorough protection both within the plant and on its surface. This dual approach ensures that diseases are effectively controlled, reducing the risk of crop damage.

3. Improved Crop Health

In addition to its fungicidal properties, the Sulphur in HPM Cultivo serves as a micronutrient that promotes overall plant health. This helps crops to better withstand stress and enhances their ability to resist diseases.

4. Resistance Management

By combining two active ingredients with different modes of action, HPM Cultivo helps in delaying the development of resistance among fungal populations, ensuring long-term efficacy in disease control.

Application Guidelines for HPM Cultivo

Proper application is crucial to maximize the benefits of HPM Cultivo and to ensure the safety of the crops and the environment.

How to Apply HPM Cultivo

HPM Cultivo should be applied as a foliar spray, ensuring thorough coverage of all plant parts, including leaves, stems, and fruit. This ensures that both the systemic and contact fungicidal actions are fully effective.

Dosage and Dilution

Follow the label instructions carefully for the recommended dosage and dilution rates. Correct application ensures optimal disease control while minimizing the risk of crop injury.

Timing and Frequency

Apply HPM Cultivo at the first sign of disease or as a preventive measure when conditions are favorable for fungal infections. Reapply as necessary, depending on disease pressure and environmental conditions.

Safety and Environmental Precautions

While HPM Cultivo is designed to be safe for crops, it is important to handle it responsibly to protect users and the environment.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Always wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, masks, and eye protection, when handling and applying HPM Cultivo. Avoid contact with skin and eyes, and wash thoroughly after application.

Environmental Protection

To minimize environmental impact, avoid spraying near water bodies and follow all local regulations for the disposal of empty containers and any leftover product. Proper handling and application help prevent contamination of the environment.


HPM Cultivo (Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65% WG) is an effective and reliable fungicide that provides broad-spectrum protection against a wide range of fungal diseases. Its combination of systemic and contact actions ensures comprehensive disease control, promoting healthier crops and improved yields. By following the recommended application guidelines and safety precautions, farmers can maximize the benefits of HPM Cultivo while safeguarding the environment.