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Excel Mera 71 (Glyphosate 71% SL)


Excel Mera 71 is a systemic, non-selective herbicide containing Glyphosate 71% SL. It is widely used for effective weed control in agriculture, horticulture, and non-crop areas. The herbicide works by inhibiting essential plant enzymes, leading to the eradication of weeds from the root level.

Product Overview:

  • Brand Name: Excel Mera 71

  • Active Ingredient: Glyphosate 71% SL

  • Mode of Action: Systemic & Non-Selective

  • Application Method: Foliar Spray

  • Target Weeds: Broadleaf weeds, Grasses, and Sedges

  • Recommended Usage: Pre-planting or Post-emergence application

Key Features & Benefits:

1. Broad-Spectrum Weed Control:

  • Effectively controls broadleaf weeds, grasses, and sedges.

2. Systemic Action:

  • Absorbed through leaves and transported down to the roots, ensuring complete weed kill.

3. Non-Selective Herbicide:

  • Eliminates all types of weeds present in the field.

4. Long-Lasting Effect:

  • Provides extended weed control by preventing regrowth.

5. Safe for Crop Cultivation:

  • Ideal for pre-planting weed removal, allowing a clean field for new crops.

Dosage: 7 gm to 10 gm per liter

Application Guidelines:

  1. Apply when weeds are actively growing for the best results.

  2. Ensure complete leaf coverage during spraying.

  3. Avoid spraying on desirable crops, as it is a non-selective herbicide.

  4. Do not disturb weeds for at least 7 days after application to allow full absorption.

  5. Rain-free period of at least 6 hours is recommended after spraying.

Precautions & Safety Measures:

✔ Wear protective gear (gloves, mask, and goggles) while handling and spraying.
✔ Avoid drift to non-target crops and water sources.
✔ Do not apply on windy or rainy days.
✔ Keep away from children and animals.
✔ Follow the waiting period before sowing new crops.

Storage & Shelf Life:

  • Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight.

  • Shelf life: 2-3 years in original packaging.


Excel Mera 71 (Glyphosate 71% SL) is a highly effective, systemic herbicide that provides long-lasting weed control in various agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Its broad-spectrum action, root-level weed eradication, and extended residual effect make it a trusted choice for farmers and land managers.