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Tata Jashn Super Insecticide: Powerful Dual-Action Defense Against Insect Pests


Tata Jashn Super Insecticide is a formidable solution designed to provide dual-action defense against a wide range of insect pests in agricultural and horticultural crops. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and applications of Tata Jashn Super Insecticide, emphasizing its role in safeguarding crops from insect infestations. By understanding its attributes, users can confidently protect their crops against the challenges posed by insect adversaries.

Confronting Insect Pest Challenges

Insect pests pose significant threats to crop health and yield, potentially leading to economic losses and compromised quality. Tata Jashn Super Insecticide offers a comprehensive defense strategy, enabling growers to effectively combat insect infestations and sustain the vitality of their crops.

Features and Benefits of Tata Jashn Super Insecticide

Profenofos and Cypermethrin: The Active Ingredients

Tata Jashn Super Insecticide combines Profenofos and Cypermethrin as its active ingredients. Profenofos acts by inhibiting enzyme activity in insects, disrupting their nervous system and leading to paralysis. Cypermethrin works by affecting the sodium channels in insects' nerve cells, causing rapid paralysis and eventual elimination.

Dual-Action Protection

Tata Jashn Super Insecticide provides dual-action protection against a broad spectrum of insect pests, including caterpillars, aphids, beetles, and more. This comprehensive approach ensures that multiple types of pests are targeted and controlled effectively.

Emulsifiable Concentrate (E.C.) Formulation

Tata Jashn Super Insecticide is formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate (E.C.), ensuring easy mixing and application. The formulation disperses well in water, allowing for uniform coverage of plants and target areas. This user-friendly formulation enhances the precision and efficiency of insect pest control applications.

Quick Knockdown and Residual Action

Tata Jashn Super Insecticide offers both quick knockdown and residual action. The rapid effect of Cypermethrin leads to swift insect paralysis, while the residual activity of Profenofos ensures ongoing protection against insect infestations.

Contact and Stomach Poisoning

Tata Jashn Super Insecticide acts through contact and stomach poisoning. Insects coming into contact with treated surfaces or consuming treated plant parts are affected, ensuring multiple modes of action against pests.

Application Guidelines

To achieve optimal results when using Tata Jashn Super Insecticide, consider the following application guidelines:

  1. Read and adhere to the manufacturer's instructions, including recommended dosage rates and application methods.
  2. Identify the specific insect pests affecting your crops to determine the appropriate timing and application rates.
  3. Prepare the insecticide solution as directed, ensuring accurate mixing and dilution.
  4. Apply Tata Jashn Super Insecticide uniformly, covering all parts of the plants susceptible to insect infestations.
  5. Consider environmental conditions and pest pressure when planning the application for maximum efficacy.
  6. Regularly monitor treated areas to assess the effectiveness of Tata Jashn Super Insecticide and reapply if necessary.


Tata Jashn Super Insecticide stands as a robust solution for managing insect infestations, utilizing the combined power of Profenofos and Cypermethrin. Its dual-action protection, emulsifiable concentrate formulation, quick knockdown, residual action, and contact and stomach poisoning capabilities make it a valuable tool in integrated pest management strategies. By incorporating Tata Jashn Super Insecticide into your pest management practices, you can confidently combat insect pests and safeguard the health and productivity of your crops.